Need help with Education Law?
Speak to one of our Expert Education Lawyers.
Please note we do not offer legal aid for Education Law matters
At NBB Law, our expert Education Law team provides comprehensive legal support for children, university students, teachers and professors. Whether you are a student facing issues in further or higher education, a parent navigating the complexities
of the state or private school systems, or a teacher addressing employment concerns in schools, our team can help. We pride ourselves on resolving your issue expeditiously and cost effectively, but also on our ability to support you to ensure you flourish in your chosen
academic institution and can pursue career aspirations unfettered by the stress of academic disputes. NBB Law aims to ensure individuals are treated fairly and can access quality education. Contact us today to ensure your rights are protected.
Click on the links below for further information on disputes in the sector relevant to you.
Contact our expert Education Law Solicitors today or call us on 0121 726 9999